Grinding Training Courses – 透過司太普所提供的無心磨床基本訓練課程,讓您的員工能夠快速取得基本的操作方式及您所需研磨工件的技能。
S-TYPE sells a new solution to let you make your product better and sooner. For you own workpiece, we are confidential to know and operate it than transfer this ablility to your company.
Beside local agent, we have on line service system. The sophisticated technician can answer your question in 24 hours.
研磨測試 – 砂輪測試,成型研磨、多階研磨及參數設定,由我們來負責測試您只要負責生產。
Are you busy at production. These is no time to do new case. We are very glad to do it.
機台翻修 – 經由司太普與客戶確認並完成大修後的機台,將維持與原本出機時一樣的精度